page 9 making a product plan 3&4
laarooss 2020-11-21
Making a Product
[peacemaker] Making a Product: We assembled Arduino, sensors, and modules and tested by connecting them with the app. They work well!
peacemaker 2020-11-21
Making a Product
We have completed some of the second progresses such as making the mock-up design of Internet of Things (IoT) system in application, and then we still progressing of making real 3D mokced up, but the necessary all of the goods like 3D printing machine, filament, sensor, and the other is completed. #CreativityStation2020 #SundaEmpire
sundaempire 2020-11-21
Making a Product
gntechindustry 2020-11-21
Making a Product
9-2 (2020/11/21)
gntechindustry 2020-11-21
Making a Product
Although it is not a perfect design, it shows a finished App and a 3D printed model assembled. We've also finished wiring the hardware and we can see the apps running on the LCD.
jenii1 2020-11-21
Making a Product
It is a scene where parts that are printed to assemble 3D printing models are trimmed.
jenii1 2020-11-21
Making a Product
We participated in IOT-related training to better realize IOT.
jenii1 2020-11-21
Making a Product
Making a Product page 9. 3rd, 4th, 5th Time Slot.
jenii1 2020-11-21
Making a Product
injeolmi 2020-11-21
Making a Product