In PT. Nusa Palapa Gemilang, information on energy consumption is only provided on a monthly basis. The company can’t decide whether their consumption levels are normal or excessive. It is necessary to monitor electricity usage in several areas.
After interviewing Mr Farial from PT Nusa Palapa Gemilang, we continued discussing the current issues and assessed the issues using priority criteria table
We then continued to discuss about the possible ideas to solve the issue we decided before. Here are the concept design as a result of our group brainstorming.
We have discussed about the member's job description, project timeline, and filled team design note page 9. Then, we start to make the product this week.
Our final result, we build a progressive web apps which is a hybrid application which could run on desktop and mobile like a native application. We also build a box which include microcontroller and electric sensor inside it to measure electric consumption.
We couldn't install the product on Nusa Palapa Gemilang Company due to the outbreak and the health protocol of the company, so we present our product via video conference.