Charging Now 사전교육

창의충전소, 스마일 프로젝트, BEE Internship 사전교육

문제 제기_이재승 (Charging Now 사전교육)
위치 : 부산대학교 조선해양공학관(11공학관)
문제 : 키보드로 작업할 때 팔이 서류를 가려 작업할 때 눈과 목에 피로가 생길 수 있다. 형광등의 빛이 유리에 비추어져 시력에 저하를 가져올 수 있다.
aka7379 2018-07-09
문제 제기_이재승 (Charging Now 사전교육)
위치 : 부산대학교 특성화공학관(10공학관) 1층 마제연 동아리방(10107) 문제 : 화재 등의 사고 발생 시 , 비상탈출구로 이용되어야 할 창문이 방범용 쇠창살로 막혀있어 비상시에 탈출이 어려움.
awrgasd 2018-07-09
Problem Definition_이고은_Charging Now 사전교육 (Charging Now 사전교육)
I usually study at Building of Architecture(401). When I want to enter Building of Architecture, must use a main front door. However, the top part of the frame on the main front door has been twisted recently. So it's hard to open and close the door.
gong49 2018-06-27
Problem Definition_정가언 (Charging Now 사전교육)
This is the library in the building of architecture department where I used to study. The seats near window have high illumination(1683lx) and even glares as well. Compare to the recommended figure of illumination in study room, which is around 600lx, thi
ribbon96 2018-06-26
ploblem definition _ 정현교 (Charging Now 사전교육)
Location : the 6th engineering building Problem : The entrance to the rear of the 6th Engineering Building was made only as a stairway, so people on wheelchairs could not enter
kgy502 2018-06-26
Problem Definition _우주천 (Charging Now 사전교육)
Location: Third Engineering Building Problem: Vibration and noise are generated when the elevator is operated, thus passengers feel anxiety. There is a need for problem solving because it can be suspected to be a precursor of future accidents according
wjc555 2018-06-26
Frequent breakdowns of Mechanical Engineering building's elevator (Charging Now 사전교육)
There are several elevators in our building. However some of the elevators have lots of problem. Especially, the side elevator(the corner of the building) has a big problem. It break down whenever small shakings occur. It suddenly stops on small impact.
kunwoo1030 2018-06-26
Problem definition_임태섭 (Charging Now 사전교육)
Too much vibration is caused on the stare in class room of the second engineering building if there is a student who is shaking his or her legs a lot.
limts0603 2018-06-26
Problem Definition_최민수 (Charging Now 사전교육)
These days, i used to study in 8th engineering building(aerospace building). When i go class in 7th engineering building, i use indoor corridor to get there. But connected path between them is exposured to outside and when it rains , sometimes it gets u
beansoup 2018-06-26
recycle (Charging Now 사전교육)
Many students throw away filled disposable cup. To prevent this, the cup holder which can divisible those cups can be installed.
snssnskssk12 2018-06-26